I’ll make this quick.
My thanks to the person who linked this post to the hate group page. I had no idea how I was going to get anyone to read it, and I was feeling utterly pointless. But so now you’ve read it and I hope you do SOMETHING! Paying respects is flattering but as pointless as it would be if you hadn’t read it.
Thank you but please stop saying “respect”! It makes me feel like someone died!!
Now for what I really wanted to say:
Congratulations to the CHS Debate teams (BOTH of them!!) for doing spectacularly at the HELP Debate 2010! ESPECIALLY Carmen Chua, Yu Li and Rachel Gan for BREAKING 1ST out of the 96 teams from around the country! There’s no denying you guys deserve the ranking. I’m not even affiliated with you anymore but I feel so giddy and happy for all of you. (: (Dude I was hopping up and down like a rabid rabbit in the one hour before the breakings were announced. –.-) Can you imagine how much like a proud daddy Ian must feel?!
Now go take out the competition and HAVE FUN! :DD
Labels: Friends, High School, Quickies, Random-ia
Dear readers, I want to tell you something.
I blog because I love writing, and because I want to be understood. Because writing for the public eye is so different and requires so much more care and skill than writing a diary.
My name is Louise. I just turned eighteen. And I am the kind of person who’s still struggling to be comfortable in her own skin.
I am a self-professed nerd and I’m proud of it. I study because I love learning and I hate the feeling of not knowing what the lecturer is not talking about. If there’s something that needs to be done, I’ll probably be the one to do it. I love debating. I love speaking in public, but I haven’t ever done public speaking. I want to try everything once, except when it comes to fashion. I support Liverpool but I don’t follow football and I can’t be bothered to find out more than I need to, because I think that football team pride is pointless. I burnt out after piano grade 7; I’m still flogging a dead horse by pushing myself to finish my Diploma ACTL. I don’t follow celebrities and I never will. I think I’m overly serious and I don’t know how to laugh sometimes. I have big dreams, but I’m a procrastinator. I tend to think too much, and I used to say it’s better than not thinking at all, but now I’m not so sure. I’m an underachiever who’s trying to catch up, but I have an ego that needs deflating pretty often. Luckily I know it. I have lots of friends, but I find it impossible to keep a best friend.
And I’m telling you all these things because I used to be ashamed of them. Only I just realized that they’re pretty stupid things to be ashamed of. And so I’m going to TELL you about them! Because I got over being ashamed of parts of me, and so I’m celebrating me!
It’s years but until now there are still some days when I find I cringe when I think that somebody doesn’t like me. I then spend days trying to figure out whether it’s my problem or theirs, and attempting to change the way I act so that I’m better accepted. I am that insecure. And I’d like to think that you go through that too. But this is something that affects me because then I end up blogging to please instead of blogging something sincere and meaningful.
I’m an absent-minded person. At times, I forget to think in a way that allows me live unhindered and like a pair of Levis – unbuttoned. I forget that I have to shrug it off because not only can’t I do anything about it, but it’s also cause it’s the only thing that’s really going to help me get over it. I’m so different and mediocre compared to most of the people around me, but I forget that what the people around me think doesn’t matter. Differences don’t matter. I forget that I’m here at college to study and not anything else. I also forget to give grace to Him for placing me in just the right places at the right time. I forget to be grateful for the people around me. I forget to count my blessings. I forget that this is only one small insignificant grain of sand in the hourglass of my life, and that I shouldn’t worry so much because I have a whole lifetime ahead of me.
But I’m telling you this dear reader, because tonight is different.
Because – obviously - I didn’t forget. (:
And so tonight I’m not blogging to please. I’m blogging to remember.
Labels: Musings
is discovering that I can write, but I can’t blog for nuts. It’s got a lot to do with feeling comfortable with yourself and how you feel, and I haven’t really learnt to put those heartfelt feelings into words. I still cringe from telling everyone what really goes on in my head. Remember how I lost my personable-ness and stopped telling everyone how I feel? I still haven’t got it back yet. I would really like to blame today’s low point on it being that time of the month, but how can I be sure it is what I want it to be? And if it turns out it isn’t, what then?
I’m not going to take any calls from you because supportive as you are, I need someone who knows me better; who frequently tells me off rather than constantly tells me I’m wonderful.
This isn’t a good night.
Sheng Hoay if you read this, you’re needed.
Being angry is too tiring a pastime to to be kept up for long. Here’s something that made me very, very happy.
Joanna and Briana belanja-ed me dinner at Kissaten, Jaya 1 last Saturday night. We had a fabulous time catching up over kiwi smoothies and good food.
It’s funny if you look at our history. We always hung out together in Form 3, being in the same class. But there was always so much drama and angst between us! Hardly a week could go by without one of us pissing the other off. The tension escalated in Form 4. I drifted apart from the other two and there was this horrible period of time when Briana and I couldn’t be near each other. We weren’t on speaking terms. The friendship between us fluctuated so dramatically that once, I told Anselm that Briana and I were good once again, and he laughed and said, yeah right. I give it two days. He was being honest, but it shows how bad we were back then. And for most of the following year, Briana and Joanna were very close, leaving me out of their loop. I accepted my lot and shrugged it off, figuring I’d never be able to get on well with them anyway, and went to look for other friends.
And yet here we are, three years on – better than ever before.
We’ve changed, all three of us, some of us really drastically. I mean if you looked at Briana back in Form 3, you would hardly have imagined that this girl would someday become Vice President of the Choir Club, then run for Prom Queen and come thisclose to winning! And Joanna’s still Joanna, the good old loyal girl who walks in while everyone else walks out. Albeit a lot happier now. (:
And then there’s me. Who used to think that the world owed me a happy ending. And since I still believe in happy endings, I clearly have a long way to go. *grins*
I make it sound like I always expected that we’d end up back together as good friends. I didn’t! But I’ve told you this before – Form 5 at CHS was when most of the animosity culminated in the first few years of high school dissolved. High school life was far too short and sweet to be spent being angry – just like now. You have to make allowances for change, you have to learn to write your grievances in sand, and your happiness in marble. So when Briana called me up to ask if I wanted to celebrate, it just felt so right that all three of us should be hanging out together again.
Maybe there’s something about friends who fight with you because they want the best for you.
Nights like these remind me that the best friends are the ones who’ve seen you at your worst and still want to stick things through with you. They’re the kind of friends who make me want to swallow my philosophy that best friends don’t exist. They’re not the only ones who make me want to do that, mind you.
But this was our night, and I enjoyed it. They’re special… Because they’re the one who reassure me that my one year in a B class was time well spent. *grins* There are some things you can just feel with your gut, and the knowledge that we’ll be friends for a very long time to come is one of them.
So this is for you: Jo and Dan. (: Thank you.
I don’t think my last very heated post managed to convey what I was really trying to say. Let me try again.
The point is that you (the members and creators of the hate group) had a chance to right a wrong – something that was wrong in your opinion anyway. You had an obvious problem with the Sportsman, and I’m going to assume it was your right to be at odds with him, and not over something silly like the primary school fights we used to have. You know, like… “I don’t friend him because he damn show-off.” And no, I don’t take mere arrogance as an excuse to warrant a hate group. What you could have done is stand up and ask the school authorities, “Oh what basis was he awarded the title?” (instead of assuming and flaming) and then you could have respectfully pointed out that it is a silly basis to grant the Sportsman award. You could have revolutionized the school system and ensured that more deserving students are awarded the title in the future. You could have dealt with it in a mature, reasonable manner that would have set an example to the rest of the school and made anyone affiliated with you proud.
Instead you created a hate group that is a waste of time, energy, emotions and neurons. You got nothing done. The Sportsman was awarded his title and you did nothing about it, even though it was something you could easiliy have spoken up about. I bet you didn’t even try.
The world is already lacking the type of people who can’t walk the talk. We could do with a few hundred less.
Most sickening of all is that you got the kids from the lower forms to join your hate group as well – kids who probably don’t know half a thing about the Sportsman and had only your own emotional, irrational word for disliking him. It is very likely that they’re just blindly following what the seniors say. Do you realize that in the future this is probably how they are going to be dealing with people they don’t like as well? And you don’t care that you’re turning people against him, you don’t care that you’re causing him to be judged. All you want is to see him disgraced.
How dare you say then, that you are proud of being a CHS-ian?
I’m so tired, and I’m probably typing all of this for nothing. It’s probably not even going to be read by those to whom it matters! But what to do, I’m just someone who really is proud of being a CHS-ian. I don’t like to see that phrase being simply thrown around. Because if you’re not acting in a manner that can make CHS proud of you, I don’t think you have a right to say that you are proud of CHS. Hate groups like this are just so juvenile.
I have become very disillusioned.
Labels: High School, Musings, Quickies
[all names in the following post have been removed to protect identities where necessary]
I just came back from the Majlis Anugerah Kecemerlangan at CHS this morning. I’m sick, and I’m missing out on Kai Boon and Edrea’s birthday movie outing to rest. But I made the mistake of logging on to Facebook, and I saw something that has made me incredibly pissed off and disillusioned with the high school that I am so proud of. It is making me so disappointed and vexed that I am here, blogging, instead of resting and recuperating from a rough week at college.
This is what happened: I received an invitation to a hate group, and it was directed at a certain CHS-ian (currently Form 5) who has just been made Sportsman of the year. I do not know the Sportsman personally, although I may have bumped into him/her off the track a few times. I do not know most of the members of this hate group either. I imagine that I received the invitation simply because I am still filed under “SMJK Katholik” in my list of networks. The title of the group was completely capitalized, and it exuded pure hostility. I clicked to check out the group, and was shocked at what I read. To say that the members of this group are unhappy that he was awarded Sportsman of 2010 is an egregious understatement.
The group description accuses the Sportsman of 2010 of bootlicking to achieve his award, among other claims that he is completely under-qualified for the title. I have copy-pasted the entire group description here.
i dno wtf he got to make him as olahragawan. NO ONE KNOWS. what i know is taekwondo WTF is his sport that he's so good in. is taekwondo a sport that require a large amount of strength to kick or punch an opponent to the ground? how come i dont see him having a big and strong quadriceps, hamstring, biceps, deltoids and many other part that are so crucial to this sport. last but not least, after knowing that he was announced as olahragawan, he'll go round showing his "handsome" yet lanc face to everyone, as if he is the best sportsman ever produced in this school, to let the whole school know he is the OLAHRAGAWAN OF CHS 2010. even our dearest olahragawati YX who are so fabulous in squash didnt do that. Won’t you feel embarrassed by doing so? Everyone will, except for him. He is such a pain in the ass as he disgusts the title and glory of CHS Olahragawan with his qualifications and capabilities. Isn’t this honor supposed to be given to an epitome of sportsman? He “got” this “title” by bugging teacher every day (personally, I think teachers were fed up with him so just let him be, as other candidates aren’t DESPERATE like him ), unlike people like YX who is destined to be olahragawati with obvious olahragawati-like achievements. To be succinct, he is detestation, abomination, ABHORRENCE!
The grammar of this torrent is appalling, although I do applaud the writer for getting the word “abhorrence” spelt correctly. But it makes me really sad to see that this immature way of dealing with a disagreeable situation is a product of a CHS-ian.
Firstly, what do you intend to achieve by creating a hate group on a social networking site? You get together a bunch of people who all dislike him as much as you do and bitch about him online. Then what? Rally together and get the principal to reverse this decision? In my opinion that could have been done without the hate group at all. Furthermore I think that Facebook groups are rather unnecessary unless they’re for fun. There are plenty of groups that are created for a supposed cause – 100000 People Against ISA, 1000000 Members Against Whaling. Privately, though, I wonder how many of them got anything done upon reaching the desired number of members. My point is that this Facebook group is redundant if you want his Sportsman title revoked. If you really think that the decision is unfair and that there is some other more deserving boy out there, take it to the school administration – in a calm, collected manner, preferably in the form of a letter.
On the point that he is under-qualified, I find the group’s definition of what makes a sportsman rather shallow. Members of this group, allow me to quote you:
is taekwondo a sport that require a large amount of strength to kick or punch an opponent to the ground? how come i dont see him having a big and strong quadriceps, hamstring, biceps, deltoids and many other part that are so crucial to this sport.
Perhaps you’d like to know that the Sportsman of 2009 (whom you can look up in the 2009 yearbook of CHS) did not have “big and strong quadriceps, hamstring, biceps, deltoids”. He was actually quite short and quite skinny. And most of his achievements were not in a sport that would require one to have any of those characteristics which you seem to associate with being a sportsman. If you think that taekwondo is not a sport that sounds worthy of a Sportsman, then the what the Sportsman of 2009 excelled in will sound ridiculous to you: his sport was ping-pong.
And to answer your question, you are apparently ignorant of the fact that taekwondo is a sport that not only requires strength to “kick or punch” but also a whole lot of skill. I never learned taekwondo, but if you watch anyone perform taekwondo or related martial arts, you’ll know that it takes practice to not only drive an opponent to the ground, but also to do it in a manner that doesn’t hurt yourself! They’re not called martial arts for nothing! I find it amusing that you think that taekwondo is just about “kicking and punching”. That’s not taekwondo at all. That’s cat fighting.
The fact is that the Sportspeople are awarded their titles based on the extent of their achievements in the area of sport that they excel in. This means they don’t look at how impressive or physically exerting the sport you chose is. You could have chosen something as obscure as bob-sledding, but if you have worked hard at it and are a star in the arena of bob-sledding, you are qualified for the award. I asked my friend and apparently the Sportsman of 2010 was awarded the title because he had some achievements not only at national level but also at international level taekwondo competitions. Apparently our school thinks that it’s okay for them to have fewer achievements on a a national level (I also heard the Sportsman has no gold medals from national/state level competitions), as long as they have taken part in an international event, they’re qualified for the sports title. If you think that this reasoning is skewed, then this is the point on which you should take it to the school’s admin, not what you said: lack of muscles. Him not having bulging deltoids simply means that he does not fit the stereotype of a sportsperson that you – we – have all formed. Muscles do not a man maketh, and neither do aggressive words and excessive venom.
I’m not kidding by the way. If you sincerely believe that the Sportsman of 2010 is under-qualified for the title, then I whole-heartedly encourage you to take the matter up with the school authorities. It’s too late now that the Majlis Anugerah Kemerlangan is over and he has already been awarded the title. This is what you should have done in the first place, not waste your time creating stupid Facebook groups that do nuts but generate more friction, heat and noise than necessary and do absolutely nothing to solve your grievances. I still encourage you to complain to the administration, albeit calmly and rationally, not obnoxiously as you have done so far. Even if they don’t listen, they’ll know that you tried to right something that you saw as wrong, and that’s far better than remaining silent and not speaking up at all.
But I suspect that the true heart of the matter lies in these phrases here.
last but not least, after knowing that he was announced as olahragawan, he'll go round showing his "handsome" yet lanc face to everyone…
He “got” this “title” by bugging teacher every day (personally, I think teachers were fed up with him so just let him be, as other candidates aren’t DESPERATE like him )
First of all (and I resist the urge to correct and flame the atrocious grammatical mistakes you have made), I am INSULTED that you think that CHS’s teachers can be swayed by the nagging of a mere student. Clearly you have yet to make any kind of trouble with the disciplinary board or any of those on the school administration team. Otherwise you would have seen that people like Miss Margaret hardly bend an inch to your wheedling to get your events approved. What makes you think that they’d give in to someone who’s pleading to be given the title of Sportsman? CHS teachers have quality in terms of discipline and dedication. Our disciplinary system is not legendary only in name!
Also, no matter how huge anyone’s ego is, or how desperate they are, I can’t believe that anyone would stoop so low as to beg to be made Sportsman in the place of someone more worthy of the title. That’s a complete contradiction to your accusation of him having an oversized head.
But I suspect that the problem with the Sportsman is more personal than the creator of the group lets on. Boy you guys should see the comments on the group wall – they get more and more spiteful and venomous.
LOL maybe he'll change schools after reading this
They’ve even doodled on his pictures using Paint and uploaded them to the group. It’s childish enough to make you wince.
I have little to say about this matter, because I know neither side personally. But I’d like to ask the creator of the group to at least keep your emotions out of this matter. Rationality is a virtue. Not everything that comes out of the Pendidikan Moral textbook is crap, you know. Besides, I think that the Sportsman’s achievements speak for themselves.
(It is rather interesting to note that the admin of this hate group left soon after creating it, leaving the group with no admins at all. The onslaught of spiteful comments still continues though.)
I can see that you’re proud being a student of CHS – you want your Sportsman to be a good representation of school. But the way in which you are dealing with the matter of the poorly-qualified Sportsman isn’t a shining beacon of moral goodness either. In short I am disgusted, I am dismayed, that students who call themselves proud to be part of Catholic High School should simultaneously degrade and defame a fellow student in a manner that is harsh, childish, hasty and uncalled for.
I expected much better.
There was no denying that the Sportswoman was a deserving recipient of her title, though. She stood out by a mile. Well what can I say, girls always tend to outperform boys in high school. (:
If there’s anything I don’t get, it’s the Pelajar Cemerlang of 2009 – I mean, why Zean Shiung of all people?!!! Was there seriously nobody else?! (I actually made myself laugh by exclaiming, “Why did Zean Shiung get Pelajar Cemerlang? I don’t get it!” and then I realized that it sounded like I was asserting that I should have gotten Pelajar Cemerlang.) The school’s reasoning is terribly skewed. But then again I’m saying this because I know Zean Shiung well and it seems pretty much ridiculous that someone like him should get the Pelajar Cemerlang award. But no, I’m not being serious. It’s not big enough a deal for me to go to the school and complain because his list of achievements was exhaustive. QUITE impressive lahh. And I’m not just saying this because he has to take me home after debate practice! He IS a good friend… when he isn’t trying to be a jerk. [Hi Zhaun! :D]
But just imagine what the school admins would say if they found out that their male Pelajar Cemerlang 2009 gets turned on by hot guys at the gym.
Labels: Friends, High School, Musings, Very Long Posts
I now completely agree with Hock Eu’s view of Pride and Prejudice: it’s just old fashioned chick lit. And you know what I think of chick lit. It’s shallow, repetitive and unimaginative. How well the book is received depends on how well you excite the reader’s hormones – therefore the more PDA the better! Why do you think a crappy novel like Twilight sold so well? Face it, guys. The simple answer is that everyone got turned on by the mushy scenes. Bella and Edward get so unbearable that after a while I felt like throwing the book across the room and screaming, “GET A ROOM!”
The worst part is that I used to be the kind of person who gets glued to a book and can’t put it down once I’ve picked it up, no matter how awful the story and style of writing is, simply because of curiosity - I want to know how it ends. I had the utter misfortune of picking up Twilight during the finals of my Form 4 year. I am I can just about rightly say that Twilight ruined my life. I wasn’t a cat, but curiosity killed me anyway.
I have digressed a little, but it was necessary. I was talking about Pride and Prejudice, and my point is: YES, I am comparing Pride and Prejudice to Twilight. It is almost as crappy! And I have the right to say this because for the last few months I have had P&P forced down my throat by my English Lit lecturer. I can quote from the bleeding novel.
P&P is a story revolving around love and marriage. The story centers on Elizabeth and Jane Bennet and how they find happiness despite being hampered by the pride and prejudice of others and themselves.
Now I can thoroughly appreciate the elaborate and pretty language of the Regency English. But that is the sole point that the novel has over Twilight, and it is not a very strong one. Because pretty language doesn’t do much for you if you have a storyline that is unimaginative and predictable.
Fine, I’ll concede that almost any novel would beat Twilight’s crappy storyline, which feels as if Meyer made it up as she went along. But seriously, there are novels with better twists and turns than those in Pride and Prejudice, and stories with far more interesting settings. One such novel would be Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov. A stepfather in love with his prepubescent daughter. Now that’s something different. How can a novel about finding the perfect man compare?
Basically P&P is a good novel with an okay storyline. It was probably a bestseller in its time. But I criticize those who call Jane Austen “one of the literary giants of the English Language” and her novel P&P “one of her best works”. It certainly does not deserve its place as one of the best-selling works in our time.
I can study P&P, don’t get me wrong. I am completely fine with having to study it for my A-Levels. But I will scream if I hear any of you say one more time that “P&P is soooo awesome!!!” or gush over how romantic Darcy is. He is so not. And I am heartily bored of Elizabeth. She and Darcy are too Mary-Sue for my liking. I’ve told my Lit class this before, but my favourite characters in the novel are Mr. Collins and Mrs. Bennet. They’re different, they’re stupid and they’re utterly comical. They’re the breath of fresh air in an otherwise cookie-cutter cast of characters. I’ll support them to the end of Unit 1!
Fellow Lit students, you heard me.
But on my earlier point on what determines how well a book does, it makes me wonder if there really are any good books out there. I am wary of books that have a “hype” attached to them, because they tend to disappoint. The point is that a book that pleases the masses cannot be all that satisfactory to the enquiring mind. Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini disappointed, and I have yet to read A Thousand Splendid Suns but I have the feeling that it won’t be anything to rave about either. It is disappointing how many books there are out on the market that have made their way to the bestseller’s list by playing on emotions, and really have little or no depth to them; the prime example of this would be Twilight.
This is why I stopped reading all fiction except for Diana Wynne Jones, whose children’s stories are so lighthearted and so different and original that I can’t help but laugh, quixotic as they are. I take solace in books that are more factual or contemplative, books that show me that the author was sincere in penning his/her thoughts on a certain view. Most works of fiction fail to fit into this category. Let me give you an example using the book I’m reading right now: The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins. I think Dawkins does a really poor job of explaining away the many reasons for God’s existence; to use Peter Heng’s analogy, using science to counter religion is like using a thermometer to measure current – it’s an incompatible method of reasoning. For much of the book, Dawkins sounds more like a furious, indignant, arrogant child ranting on and on about all the reasons he’s right, and not at all like a calm, reasonable philosopher. Despite this, I can still enjoy reading The God Delusion because the man was sincere: he truly does have an issue with religion and he believes everyone should know what he does too.
And while I’m still on this tangent, would all of you atheists please stop touting The God Delusion as a reason for the rest of the world to drop our crucifixes and bibles. Explain away God in a manner that sounds reasonable and intelligent, and in a way that shows that you have taken our side of beliefs into account, but don’t give me any arguments from Dawkins. If Dawkins is all you have, then it’s not much of an argument at all.
And now, back to the point, on books:
I don’t think I have one! I just wanted to rant about how overrated some books are and how terribly difficult it is to find good ones on the market nowadays, because any idiot can write. And I got started on the topic of books because I have RM55 worth of MPH book vouchers. They’re a combination of the vouchers I got as a reward for my service to the Ed Board and Christmas presents from my neighbor. The point is, they expire TOMORROW. And I have NO IDEA WHAT TO BUY! T.T
Suggestions, dear readers?
Labels: Musings, Very Long Posts
OMG. It’s even the right colours. :DD HAHAHA
I thank God and my parents for my life so far.
I thank the friends who wished me and SPECIAL thanks to Lit B for the cake. :D
And I thank goodness that I made it this far!!!
Now if only I could get through the next hundred years as easily. *grins*
I’m 18 years old! And so many people have told me that it’s now okay for me to go out and get wasted. But you know WHAT?
Yay for being grown up. *grins*
When I was 3 years old, I used to think that I’d never grow up. Either it’d never happen and I’d remain in my play world forever, or I’d just wake up one morning and I’d be 18.
Funny to think that that’s what’s going to happen tonight. I’m going to go to sleep. And when I wake up, I’ll be eighteen years old.
Good night, world. (:
Yesterday, I…
- Went to church and stayed in the parish office library.
- Studied Econs there and finished all my Econs homework.
- Went shopping with my dad and spent a lot of money in Cotton On. HEHEHE :D
- Painted my nails.
- Cleaned out my wardrobe.
- Made agar-agar in the shape of a fish.
(My mom made me. Come on lah Ma, did you reaaaaally have to remind me? T.T)
- Made pancakes without the pan!
- Found out that the agar-agar was absolutely TASTELESS, and came up with a fantastic new dessert in all of 2 seconds flat. *grins*
- Broke a plate.
- Made love to Organic Chemistry.
Am I awesome or am I awesome? *grins*
As for today, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the awesome-est boss/ray of sunshine/“nose-picker”/friend LILY FOONG! :D
I have a song for you! And here’s how it goes.
The sun'll come out
So ya gotta hang on
'Til tomorrow
Come what may
Tomorrow! Tomorrow!
I love ya Tomorrow!
You're always
A day away!
Take a hint, people.
Labels: day-to-day, Random-ia
I would like to clarify something. Today’s 6-minute speech was not a one-off thing.
Ask Carmen and Rachel! The only time I make short speeches is when I don’t know anything about the topic! And I promised myself that that’s NOT going to happen anymore.
And just when I got used to blogging regularly again, my cousin’s back. –.-
Labels: Quickies
This Post Is A Hodgepodge Post.
1. Truth be told, Pride and Prejudice is utterly boring. Hock Eu got it right when he called it old-fashioned chick lit. I like Elizabeth, but you can get tired of perfect, feisty characters. The less said about Jane the better. Mr Darcy is boring. YES NICOLE WONG YOU READ ME RIGHT. Darcy is boring!!! The only one I really like in the whole novel is Mr Collins. He’s comic relief. Well, him and Mrs. Bennet. *grins* I particularly like the scene in which Mr Collins proposes to Elizabeth. He’s so full of himself. Reminds me of some people I know. (;
Oh well, at least P&P is only for one term.
2. Google Chrome is the BOMB. If you’ve ever tried it, you’ll know that it’s display is so much prettier than I.E. or Mozilla. But one of the best things about Chrome (for me) is the extensions that come with it. Like this extension called Google Dictionary. I can check definitions of certain words as easily as this:
But my FAVOURITE extension is this one.
It blocks certain sites so that you don’t spend an unnecessary amount of time on them.
And after your allocated time is up, if you try to access any of the sites you blocked, this is all you get:
GOOGLE CHROME IS A GODSEND. The creator of this extension should be nominated for sainthood, awarded the Nobel Prize, be granted amnesty for life and be knighted by the Queen!! I almost cried when I attached it to Facebook and all blogspot sites, but I was only disciplining myself. It’s the reason I’m feeling so optimistic about tomorrow’s English Lit presentation! :D
Take that, Procrastination!
The loophole is that I can just open the other web browser I have – Mozilla Firefox – and continue browsing all my blocked sites. But I’m too used to Chrome already, and all my bookmarks and passwords are saved in Chrome. So it looks like this self-imposed curfew is here to stay.
Oh well. (: if when I make it to Oxbridge/The Ivy League I’ll look back on this and be eternally thankful. And when I’ve got my first credit card then I’ll make that $10 donation. *grins*
Speaking about Ivy Leagues…
3. I made a complete fool out of myself. Ezreena knows what I’m talking about. But what on earth was I supposed to do?! I hardly even knew the guy! [i.i] Basically my pride and prejudice towards someone I hardly knew has just succeeded in dunking me in a really really really awkward situation. Ask me about it and I’ll tell you, I promise I will, and it’s funny (albeit at my expense!) but not here. Not on the blog. It’s mortifying!!!
Maybe I shouldn’t be so quick to diss P&P after all.
4. Justin Choong is this pokey beanstalk who’s been haunting me since Standard 1 (same class for 4 years back then). Same primary school, secondary school and college. He runs so fast that he leaves the other contestants behind in clouds of dust. And he looks like Fido Dido. You know?
Yeah he looks like that. (: Anyway Justin wants his birthday post. So, happy belated birthday! :D
The thing is… I don’t even remember when his birthday is. I just know it’s late. Heh. Sorry boss. *grins*
Labels: day-to-day, Random-ia
We The Kings – She Takes Me High
I hate it when I feel like blogging, but I absolutely lack the inspiration. This is ridiculous. In the beginning of the year I found myself so overflowing with thoughts that I couldn’t blog about anything random, and all my posts were long long ones.
Now it’s been ages since I did a long long post, and the last few posts on my blog are all categorized under Random-ia.
And I have to say, I miss being read! ):
Here’s another thought I had. Some time ago, Lily gave me the chance to peek into the HELP Residency. I needed to change into formal clothes after college for the HELPMUN Conference. Honestly? It was pokey and boring and the tap wouldn’t work. I spent a good minute wrestling with it but it refused to turn. I got annoyed. Then I remembered that Lily had said in one of her blog posts (I think) that it turned the other way. I was thinking, “Hah! It pays to read your friend’s blogs!” So I flipped it the other way…
… And the tap promptly exploded water, showering me and my formal outfit. I was so shocked that I just stood and stared at my wet clothes.
I could sue that tap for assault and splattery!!!
But honestly?
I liked the Residency.
I can work with people, but most times I think I like working on my own. People are fun, but I’m most efficient when fly solo, because that’s when I know everything that’s going on. It’s not so hard to coordinate myself.
Which is why I really think that I’d get more work done if I was independent and forced to think for myself. Here and in this house, I hardly have to do anything. I feel like a pampered little pasha. I only have to clear my room up once a week, and I do the dishes after meals. But the bulk of the housework – the cooking, the gardening, the laundry – is seen to by the maid.
Basically, I don’t have to think. And that’s probably why I’m so inefficient at home: I just don’t think.
Living away from home would actually make me a lot more aware of what needs to be done and thereby force myself to get off my butt and get those things crossed off the TO DO list. Studies have shown that kids who help with the housework do better at school. There’s a sense of responsibility that comes with being on your own two feet. The thought is forced into your head: I’m on my own now. If I lived away from home, I would actually be a whole lot more disciplined than I am now. I mean I’d have to handle all my own laundry and manage my money properly, among other things. It’s not that I don’t know how to! I conquered the mean washing machine monster when I was in Form 2! But I don’t have to think about it on a daily basis. Hence the idleness of mind.
Ironic, isn’t it? That I’d get more done if I was on my own than otherwise?
But it’s way too late to start applying to KTJ and my parents would give me that funny look if I announced that I wanted to move out of the house on my eighteenth birthday (“dear, your girl’s acting up again!”).
Then again, I suppose this is a hard clear message to myself to STOP BEING SO LAZY AND HELP WITH THE HOUSEWORK MORE!!
Grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
Courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
And now I have to go and get ready for church. It’s the Easter Vigil and it’s going to end at 3am in the morning! Holy Week is going to knock my sleeping cycles bang outta whack.
Labels: Musings, Very Long Posts
It’s only the most awesome month of the year. (;
By the way, happy birthday Anselm Chan! Have fun studying in Nothing But Ham! But not more fun than you would have if you were studying at HELP.
This post will be edited if I feel like it. But since my cousin’s away for the next week so I guess I better take what advantage I can of the absence of disparaging comments and blog as ridiculously as I feel!
I found this incredibly cute. (:
I Yabba-Dabba-Do! Couple tie the knot in Flintstones-themed wedding
Last updated at 8:35 PM on 31st March 2010As weddings go, it was quite a yabba dabba do. . . Not only did the happy couple dress up as Fred Flintstone and wife Wilma, but all the guests went as characters from the much-loved caveman cartoon too.
Groom Ed Robinson, a 34-year-old fireman, wore Fred's orange and black furs and a black wig, while bride Gayle Watson was in traditional white - albeit a one-shouldered Wilma-style number teamed with a mockrock necklace and a vivid orange beehive.
The best man and maid of honour transformed into Barney and Betty Rubble, while the bridesmaid and page boy were Pebbles and Bam Bam.
The wedding: Ed and Gayle on their Flintstone wedding in Combe Martin, North Devon, with their guests who dressed up as Flintstone characters and cavemen
There was even a Flintstones car created for the occasion and an inflatable giraffe filling in for family pet Dino.
Mr Robinson and his 29-year-old bride said 'Yabba dabba, I do' in front a registrar at a theatre in Ilfracombe, Devon, before the Flintstones theme played as they signed the register.
The reception was near the seafront in their home village of Combe Martin.
Mrs Robinson said: 'The Flintstones idea made sense because we both love fancy dress and where we live in Combe Martin the scenery looks very prehistoric.'
Cartoon nuptials: Ed Robinson and Gayle Watson dressed up as Fred and Wilma Flintstone for their wedding
Chun or not? :D I’d want my wedding to be just as crazy! Maybe have everyone dress up as superheroes and bring lightsabers! On any other occasion I’d tell you exactly what I want to be done at the reception but I’m too sleepy and the BACKSPACE KEY IS NOT WORKING OMG. –.- This just thoroughly annoys me. This laptop is falling apart! So good night!
Labels: Random-ia